
The Waste Consortium hosts an industrial doctorate on biogas production

The objective is to propose improvements to increase biogas production from waste treatment


The Consorci per a la Gestió dels Residus del Vallès Oriental and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have signed an agreement for an industrial doctorate on the optimization of biogas production that will be carried out by the director of the Treatment Area, Vanessa Abad, together with the Department of Chemical Engineering of the UAB.

The essential element of this PhD process is the research project entitled Optimization of biogas production in a treatment facility for the organic fraction of municipal waste: co-digestion, mass and energy balances.

The work will focus on improving the treatment facility for the organic fraction of municipal waste. Specifically, the final objective is to propose improvements to increase the biogas production of the facility through the introduction of new substrates in the anaerobic digestion process (co-digestion).

With the same objective of improving the efficiency of the installation, an analysis of the material and energy flows will be carried out to propose improvements in the operation of the installation.