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Do you want to promote an industrial PhD? 

Want to foster an Industrial Doctorate?

Companies, institutions and research groups


All industrial doctorate projects must have at least one representative from the academic and business spheres..

Academic environment

Beneficiaries of the grants under the Industrial Doctorates Plan may be research organisations, specifically public and private universities in the Catalan university system, as well as research centres, technology centres and hospital foundations based in Catalonia.

In cases where the research centres, technology centres and hospital foundations are applicants, the collaboration agreement should also be signed by the university in the Catalan university system where the candidate is to enrol for thesis supervision.

The thesis supervisor must be a member of a valid SGR group, an ICREA researcher or a beneficiary of a European Research Council (ERC) grant.

Business sphere

Companies and entities can be beneficiaries of the grants of the call for Industrial Doctorates Plan, provided that they cannot work in an academic environment within the framework of the call, and in the case of entities belonging to the public sector of the Generalitat the modality must be that of specific aid.

Companies/institutions must comply with the following:

• Appoint a business manager of the project (tutor).

Hiring of the doctoral student for the 3 years of the grant  

• Minimum gross annual salary of 22,000 euros.

Co-funding type of financing (DI-COF)

Co-financing modality (DI-COF): 

  1. The workplace of the business environment must be in Catalonia.
  2. It requires exclusive dedication of the doctoral student to the research project. 

Specific funding type of financing (DI-ESP)

Specific aid modality (DI-ESP):

  1. The workplace of the business environment may be located in Catalonia or outside Catalonia.
  2. It does not require exclusive dedication of the doctoral student to the research project. 


The following are eligible to apply for funding:

  • Private companies and public corporations belonging to or linked to the public sector.
  • Foundations and non-profit associations, local, regional or national public bodies, consortia whose majority shareholders are public bodies, and town councils.

The following are not eligible:

  • Ministries, delegations and regional services of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Research institutions and their subsidiary companies.
  • Centres affiliated to universities.



Send us your proposed industrial doctorate project.


We will publish it on our website for a minimum of five working days.

2. Agreement

Prepare the required documentation


Collaboration agreement, selection certificate, certificate of admission to the doctoral programme and academic certificates.

3. Application form

Request financing from us.


Attach all the necessary documentation before the deadline.

collaboration agreement

The collaboration agreement signed between the university and the company will explicitly regulate, at least, the following aspects:

  1. The specific conditions of the employment contract: remuneration, length of contract, etc. If the project imposes any other contractual obligations on the doctorand, these must be stated in the collaboration agreement.
  2. The time the doctorand spends at the company and at the university, research centre or hospital foundation facilities, if appropriate.
  3. The terms referring to intellectual and industrial property rights.
  4. The name of the people responsible from the university, research centre or hospital foundation, and the company.
  5. The terms of the financing of the training and the specific project financing (such as consumables, equipment, etc.).
  6. The mechanisms for monitoring the progress of the projects and tasks carried out by the researcher in training.
  7. The conditions related to the rights of the doctorand to publish his or her research results during the training period or the development of the doctoral thesis.
  8. The terms referring to mobility and attendance at congresses, workshops and the like.
  9. Whether the enactment of the agreement is dependent on the attainment of co-funding or specific funding under the Industrial Doctorates Plan.
  10. The period covered by the agreement.
  11. If more than one entity is involved from the academic or business sphere, a distribution agreement between the parties regarding the call's funding.
  12. If the doctorand will be required to carry out any teaching duties, the terms and conditions of these duties must be stated so they can be approved by both the university and the company.  


The agreement must also include the following two annexes:

— Annex 1: brief description of the research project

— Annex 2: proposed work plan

These two annexes must contain the approval of the following staff at the university where the doctorand is enrolled: dean or vice dean of research, director or head of the doctoral school, director of the doctoral programme academic committee.

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