call 2023

Impact assessment of the Industrial Doctorate Plan

global data


The 2023 campaign phase, which closed on December 11, 2023, managed to promote 158 proposals: 125 from the co-financing modality and 33 from the specific aid modality. Of these proposals, 129 applications have been formalized and 122 have been granted, 93 in the form of co-financing and 29 in the form of specific grants. Partial resolutions were resolved in July and December 2023, and February 2024.

Projects awarded in the 2023 call

Projects awarded in the 2023 call according to academic environment

in 2023 at a glance

Participating companies and institutions
Aid to Catalan SMEs
New companies and institutions
Doctoral theses defended

8% of projects in the field of social sciences

11% increase compared to 2016
International students

full stats for 2023

Evaluation of the IMPACT of the industrial doctorate plan

Evaluation of the Industrial Doctorates Plan of the Generalitat of Catalonia in the period 2013-2018 , co-financed by the Promotion Fund for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Department of Economy and Finance (PROAVA).

The evaluation of the projects carried out between 2013 and 2018 highlights their impact on employability, knowledge transfer and internationalization, as well as the future challenges to consolidate this initiative as a benchmark in academic and business collaboration.

High degree of satisfaction

+ 0 %

They would participate again in an industrial Ph.D.

Employment of industrial doctors

0 %

They work in companies and institutions | 3 out of 4 continue in the same company where they developed the project. 

High scientific production

+ 0 %

Has made more than 3 scientific publications | High scientific, business and general media production.

Protection of results

0 %
The projects have resulted in a patent or other mechanisms for protecting the results.

mobility and internationalization

0 %

He has undertaken international research stays. 24% of the doctoral theses defended have obtained international mention.

Continuity of collaboration

+ 0 %

The business and academic environments maintain links after the project is completed.

historical data (2012-2023).

Industrial PhD projects depending on the state

funding associated with industrial doctorate projects

Academic environment

Industrial doctorate projects by matriculation university

Researchers of excellence

Researchers and researchers from 478 SGR groups
ERC grant holders

Industrial doctorate projects by academic environment

Industrial doctorate projects by field of research

Socioeconomic environment

Industrial Doctorate projects in the socio-economic field

Type of company
(667 companies)

As projects in the fields of social sciences, arts and humanities increase, new types of business environments such as foundations, associations, NGOs or public administrations are incorporated. Despite this, the vast majority of companies participating in the DI Plan are SMEs as a reflection of the country's reality.

SMEs (366 companies and institutions)
Large companies (94 companies and institutions)
Emerging companies ( start-ups )
Spin-off companies (109 companies and institutions)
Other institutions (98 companies and institutions)

degree of repetition

Companies with two and three projects tend to repeat it, on average, two and a half years after starting the first project. As companies accumulate more projects, they reduce the time between projects, causing many to co-exist over time.

510 companies with 1 project
82 companies with 2 projects
51 companies with 3-4 projects
19 companies with 5-9 projects
Large companies 3%
5 companies with 10 or more projects
Large companies 1%

Industrial doctoral students (origin and gender)

Gender of doctoral students AND FEMALE DOCTORS

origin of doctoral students AND DOCTORAL WOMEN

Female triplets

Industrial PhD projects with a PhD student, a researcher and a company manager.