The URV and EMATSA promote research applied to the integral water cycle with two Industrial Doctorate projects

As part of World Water Day, the Rovira i Virgili University and the Municipal Mixed Water Company of Tarragona have signed a collaboration agreement. Two industrial doctorate projects will be launched
Image of the signing of the agreement. Photo: EMATSA

Both organizations have signed a collaboration agreement to incorporate two predoctoral researchers through the industrial doctorate plan. The research will be on organoleptic improvement and the integration of artificial intelligence in water control

As part of World Water Day, the Rovira i Virgili University and the Municipal Mixed Water Company of Tarragona have signed a collaboration agreement for the implementation of two industrial doctorate projects. These are two investigations applied to the management of the integral water cycle that, as explained by the rector of the URV, Maria Jose Figueras, "the agreement we sign is an example of collaboration with social value that allows the transfer of knowledge between the business and the academic world". In the same vein, the president of Ematsa, Jordi Fortuny, stated that "two objectives are combined, such as improving service and generating knowledge, to create applied science" and adding "a successful formula that will revert to a better service".

The initiative is part of the alliances between companies and universities that promote both organizations, and whose purpose is to connect the field of research and science with the business world and, in this way, through innovation and knowledge, achieve practical solutions adapted to the needs of the public service. As Explained by Josep Ribalta, vice-rector for doctoral training and director of the URV Doctoral School, "professionals who have done the doctorate can have more tools and resources to face the innovation challenges of companies".

Continue reading the original news (, 03/22/2022)