Industrial doctorates, the central theme of the 11th Research Conference of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Innovation and Intervention

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU) in Eskoriatza hosted last Friday, September 29, the 11th Research Day of the Doctoral Program in Educational Innovation and Intervention. This year's cross-disciplinary theme was industrial doctorates in the field of education. The conference was opened by Iñaki Larrea (MU) and Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé (UVic-UCC), coordinators of the interuniversity programme, Nagore Ipiña, dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (MU), and Marta Otero, director of the UVic-UCC Doctoral School. The conference began with the dialogue entitled The industrial doctorate: another form of research between Nekane Errasti (Coordinator of engineering studies at MU) and Marta Otero. During the Dialogue, the importance of industrial doctorates as opportunities for knowledge transfer and engines of social transformation was highlighted.

Next, Jaione Uriarte (PhD student of the PhD program in MU and professor at Arizmendi ikastola) and Zigor Ibarzabal (coordinator of Euskal Herriko Ikastolak) gave the conference Doktoregoa industria aipamenarekin Hezkuntzan, zergatik ez? Euskal Herriko Ikastolen kasua. / PhD with industrial mention in education. Why not? The case of Euskal Herriko Ikastolak. In their lecture they presented the opportunities for collaboration between schools and researchers at UM to design and implement an assessment system in secondary school and highlighted the relationships of trust necessary to carry out an industrial doctorate in education.


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