Descripció del projecte

With the advent of quantum computing, quantum key distribution (QKD) will play an important role in the future digital society. Unlike classical cryptography which relies on algorithms complexity, QKD security is ensured by the laws of quantum physics. QKD protocols are generally classified in two branches: discrete variable (DV) and continuous variable (CV). The main benefit of the CV-QKD protocol is that no single-photon detectors are required. Moreover, CV-QKD systems can be implemented using off-the-shelf technology widely used in the Telecom industry.
Regarding scalability and standardization of CV-QKD, it can be pushed forward thanks to photonic integration.

During the project, the PhD candidate will characterize photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for CVQKD. Since PIC design and characterization is an iterative process, the candidate will also be involved in designing, redesigning the new system versions as well as in the development of a
printed circuit board to optimize the performance of the integrated systems.


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