Description of the project

A teal organization is based on the teal paradigm as a new organizational model (Laloux, 2014) more efficient, collaborative and in tune with the new current social and work challenges of sustainability to allow the confluence of efficiency with personal well-being and self management In these organizations the people and the processes they generate are the differentiating factor.
This project aims to: 1) Analyze the organizational and human keys for the development of a teal organization. 2) Develop the qualitative and quantitative measurement tools necessary to identify the structures, practices and processes of a teal organization. 3) Design a toolkit for those companies that want to follow this new organizational model and to diagnose which processes require attention/change in companies that already follow this model. 4) Patent the toolkit to develop a new way of organizing collaboratively that allows companies and other organizations to achieve their goals in line with the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN, and in particular in line with the SDGs 3 and 8. This will be the social impact and utility of this project.
To achieve these objectives, empirical work will be carried out in an organization considered teal, Prat Brands International, and in other organizations not considered teal, to validate the toolkit experimentally, through different quantitative and qualitative methods of collection and analysis of data This project responds to a strategic need for the Prat Brands company to improve its organizational self-awareness in order to discover the keys to its model and maintain them despite its present and future growth. At the same time, it responds to his desire to develop a new line of business in the consulting sector to advise and help companies to implement this new organizational model.


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