
Strategic research, key to competitiveness: the contribution of Industrial Doctorates

Due to the circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, and how they affect communication by reducing the opportunities to report on the 2020 Industrial Doctorates call, the first Webinar DI has been planned: "Strategic research, key to competitiveness: the contribution of Industrial Doctorates" that will take place on May 20 at 11 a.m.

In the webinar we will provide information on how Industrial Doctorates can be useful combining applied research, talent retention and innovation of the business and institutional fabric in collaboration with the Catalan research system, we will give details about the incentives provided by the call of the Generalitat de Catalunya and on what are the interesting issues to be able to access the planned grants.

El webinar va adreçat a persones d’empreses i institucions que impulsin projectes d’innovació aplicada, a investigadors/es d’universitats, centres de recerca o centres tecnològics i a estudiants/es de màster que vulguin impulsar o participar en un Doctorat Industrial, pel que creiem que us pot ser d’interès.

Registration for the Webinar can be done in this REGISTRY.

The event is finished.

Industrial Doctorates

El Pla de Doctorats Industrials té com a objectius contribuir a la competitivitat i la internacionalització del teixit industrial català, captar talent, i formar doctors i doctores per a les empreses dins de projectes d’RDI.


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